Who We Are

Since Mosaic was planted in January 2020, we have been focused on preaching the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe this ancient good news is as applicable today as it was in the first century.

Our Faith is ancient…

Our faith is founded upon the person and work of Jesus Christ, who died for sinners. He is made known to us through the inspired, inerrant Word of God.

…Our theology is historical…

We trace our theological roots to the Reformers, Puritans, and Particular Baptists of the 16th and 17th centuries. These “giants with feet of clay” were not perfect men, but we stand upon their shoulders as we seek to consistently understand and apply God’s Word.

…And Our practice is always reforming.

We value tradition, but only when it effectively points to Christ. We use technology, but only when it is helpful. We are committed to always re-examining and reforming our doctrine and practice according to Scripture, which bids us to love God and our neighbor.

We can’t do this alone.

We need individuals, churches, and organizations to partner with us for the advancement of the gospel in Mechanicsville. Even more, we need God to intervene, empower, and provide as only he can.

In light of this need, we ask that you please pray for Mosaic Church—that God would use us according to his sovereign and perfect will.

Consider Taking it one step further


From the earliest churches to modern ones, and from the smallest home church to the largest megachurch, every local church needs financial resources in order to effectively edify the saints and evangelize the lost.

We can do a lot with very little, but the reality is we can do more with the help of generous people and organizations who have a passion to see the lost found and the saints built up in the faith.



We desire to develop a network of people and organizations for the sake of advice, mutual edification, prayer, and practical help. From pastors to laypeople, churches to businesses, we’d love connect, pray, and work with you.

We know we can’t provide for every possible need ourselves, but together, we can make a real impact in people’s lives.