It is the privilege, right, and duty of every Christian to be a member of a local church.

But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Hebrews 3:13

Church membership is a privilege because we get to be encouraged, loved, supported, corrected, and built up as part of a local church. It’s a right because we have received the outward sign of the New Covenant, which is baptism. And it’s a duty because we are responsible for building one another up in love, exhorting one another every day, and using our gifts together for God’s glory.


The New Testament doesn’t give us a formula for how to institute church membership. However, it does tell us to appoint elders who oversee, guide, and teach each church. This implies that specific people make up specific local churches. In addition, these people are commanded to submit to their leaders and to one another. In order to fulfill these commands in Scripture the best we know how, we find it to be wise and necessary to have formal church membership. Additionally, church membership helps the pastors know for whom they will give an account according to Hebrews 13 and who have submitted themselves to their pastoral care.


We encourage you to take the following steps in order to become a member at Mosaic:

01. Believe + Be Baptized. We believe in “regenerate church membership”, which means we only allow baptized Christians to become members of Mosaic Church. If you haven’t been baptized, learn more about baptism here.

02. Get involved. Church membership isn’t something you should drag your feet on, but it also isn’t something to be taken lightly. Take some time to get to know us, serve with us, and get plugged in so you can get to know us.

03. Review + Reflect. The doctrine of a church should never come as a surprise to its members. As you consider church membership, you should ensure that your beliefs are in alignment with Mosaic’s. You can find a detailed overview of what we believe here. All members of Mosaic must affirm the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 with a clear conscience. While full subscription to the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 is not required for members, it is the perspective from which all elders of Mosaic church will teach, and we commend it to you for your edification. Also, we ask that you review and agree to the Membership Covenant and Mosaic’s Constitution & Bylaws. You will commit to and sign it as part of your induction into membership.

04. Connect. Fill out the form below to schedule some time with one of our pastors to share your story, tell us about your gifts, ask questions, and let us get to know you.

05. Commit. At a Sunday service following your pastoral interview, you’ll be brought before the church and recommended for membership. Don’t let the voting scare you—we do it so the whole congregation bears the responsibility of loving and supporting you in your walk with Jesus! Once the vote is taken, you’ll sign the covenant and we’ll rejoice together as fellow members of this local church!

We are so excited to get to know you, welcome you into the Mosaic family, and walk alongside you as you follow Jesus!


If you’re interested in becoming a member of Mosaic and would like to register for a membership interview, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you with available dates and answer any questions you may have.



If you have other questions related to membership, please send an email to and a pastor will be in touch.