Digging deeper in community.
…they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Many of them therefore believed, with not a few Greek women of high standing as well as men. Acts 17:10-12
While Community Groups are a great place for developing relationships and having discussions in the context of a larger group, they aren’t everything or for everybody. Sometimes your schedule doesn’t permit you to participate as you’d like. Other times, you want to go just a little bit deeper with a smaller group.
Click the button below to download the Mosaic Discipleship Group Field Guide or visit the Connection Center before/after service to pick up a printed version to tuck in your Bible.
Discipleship Groups are a smaller, more flexible and focused option for people who want to dig deeply into God’s Word together. Simply put, a DG is a small group of two to four people (men with men, women with women) that meet together on a regular basis to study and apply the Bible together.
We don’t believe it necessary to have a formal DG leader. Let the text itself lead your discussion, and trust the Holy Spirit to help you understand. If you feel the need for someone to lead the group in facilitating discussion, locations, times, etc., that’s fine, but everyone should participate!
Meeting once per week for about one hour is ideal. An hour gives you time to do a personal check-in, discuss the passage, and pray together.
But it’s ultimately up to you! If you want to hit a new coffee shop every week, go for it. If you need to meet twice a week on FaceTime, feel free! Be flexible and gracious to one another, and figure out what works best for everyone!
Of course! It’s up to your group to decide what works best for time, location, and communication.
Not exactly. For those unable to attend a CG, DGs are a great option. But if you’re plugged into a CG, a DG is still a valuable way to dig deeper. We see both CGs and DGs as valuable tools for growing in Christ at Mosaic.
A Discipleship Group should be a three-month commitment. At the end of those three months, each person is free to recommit to the same group, join another group, or start one themselves. We’d love to see people take what they’ve learned in their first few DGs, then go start more groups with people who aren’t plugged in already.
Start one! Yes, you! You only need one or two other people! Reach out to others and make it happen. We only ask two things:
Consider asking people who are new or disconnected. It’s going to be awkward. That’s okay. Just hug the cactus. Trust that God knows what he’s doing!
Check in with one of the pastors to let us know your group exists.
We’ve created a Bible Study Field Guide that should help you ask good questions about any text you’re reading. Click the button above to download it or visit the Connection Center before/after service to pick up a printed version to tuck in your Bible.
In addition to the Field Guide, we encourage you to use a solid study Bible or commentary such as the ESV Study Bible or the Reformation Study Bible.
If you’re not sure what book of the Bible to start with, consider a shorter book of the New Testament, like Colossians or Philippians, then go from there. Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the pastors for advice! We would love to hear from you!
You don’t have to have a study Bible in order to study scripture, but if you’re looking for a good study Bible, here are a few we use and recommend:
ESV Study Bible
The Reformation Study Bible
She Reads Truth Study Bible